Saturday, June 26, 2010

the beginning

Well tomorrow is the big day - the first official day I start training for the Ironman. Now I think it is important to know that I will be approaching this as a complete novice. I have no experience with this level of training and will basically be stumbling around in the dark which will likely result in some humorous albeit challenging experiences. I will try to update with pictures, tidbits and antidotes as much as possible.

Week one goal:
Hydrate - drink 64 oz of water a day

Day one training will include the following:
18 mile bike ride (I could die before this thing gets off the ground)
30 mins of walking (this ones more realistic)
45 mins of weight training (no biggy)
20 mins stretching (love it!)

Current Stats:
Weight: Not willing to disclose this particular bit of information just yet...
Height: 5'2" (for the record I don't anticipate this one changing)
Total Loss: O lbs
Days to Ironman:

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